Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Schizophrenic Church

Last week I received the weekly e-news from our United Methodist Conference Center of WI (Wisconsin United Methodist Mother Ship), dated Oct. 27, 2010.  Here's one one of the briefs from around the state:


Lauren Meyer, a member of Our Lord's United Methodist Church in New Berlin and a freshman at The University of Wisconsin Whitewater, was recently assaulted with anti-gay epithets and punched in the face for wearing a "Legalize Gay" T-shirt. The attack prompted a student rally for tolerance, which was featured in a Channel 12 news story. Lauren and her family have been active at Our Lord's United Methodist Church for many years. Lauren has helped with Vacation Bible School and participated in United Methodist Youth Fellowship and Convo events. Her father is part of the church's confirmation teaching team. Please pray for Lauren and her family and write to Our Lord's United Methodist Church administrative assistant Linda Gugel at if you would like to send Lauren notes of support.

Bad, right?  Horrible, in fact!  This woman got hit in the face by people she didn't know,

for an opinion expressed on a T-shirt!  That is messed up! 

Want more horrible news?

Right now, in the same Conference (institutionally equivalent to a synod, diocese, etc.), a fellow clergywoman is being charged with being a "self-avowed, practicing homosexual" & for having officiated at a holy union.  These are "chargeable offenses" in our denomination-- and the likely penalty?  The loss of her clerical credentials.  What an ecclesiastical punch in the gut!

But are you seeing what I'm reading?!

In regard to Lauren-- a bad, violent incident; "THE Church" publicly stands behind her in a weekly email that goes out to all the clergy and probably hundreds of lay people in the state.  (This is good & what we should be doing as Christians...).  But in regard to Rev. Amy DeLong-- a clergywoman in good standing; "THE Church" puts her on trial for loving and caring for people!!  (This is terrible-- schizophrenic even!)  And... what have you heard about it?!  Shhhhh... it's a secret....this one won't be showing up in the weekly e-news!

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