Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Cat Communion

I'm about to enter into what no one should ever do in blogging: write about her pets and children. I know, I know... so cliche and so not funny to anyone else who's not related to these creatures... But REALLY, this is a good one.

So the other day we're sitting down for a family meal, with little Poppin' Fresh buns hot out of the oven, and my four-year-old grabs one immediately. He starts tearing it apart and begins (obviously) to mock me (mother and pastor) by pretending to offer communion at church. But he does so... bending over his chair to the floor to offer communion to the cat. "Wanda (whiny voice and twisted face), Jesus loves you." He then proceeds to outstretch his little, fat hand to give the cat the crumpled bread.

To make sure that he's offended everyone in the household, he finishes this act by "crossing" himself. Husband, Jason- the "cultural Catholic," does not find the gesture funny.
Don't miss the photo here of Wanda, our (almost) hairless cat.


pestiferous said...

Your son is FOUR?? Good luck with that one...
"Cat Communion" is a keeper, even if it is about kids and pets.

Unknown said...

"Cat Communion" is a keeper, even if it is about kids and pets...not too original.
And your son is FOUR?? Good luck with that one.