Monday, November 9, 2009

Smokin' Poinsettia Leaves- The True Church

So I'm at a budget meeting last night.  Everyone but me is over 60.  We're having a conversation about whether or not we pick up the exact number of poinsettias that were ordered because sometimes those who buy the plants in honor/memory of a loved one, don't actually take them home from church after Christmas.  Then we're left with dead, crumbling plants in the sanctuary.  This is important to discuss, of course, because it will as you know, help bring about the Kingdom of God...
ANYWAY, so the 75 year-old starts in about how it's important that everyone who orders a plant gets theirs-- BECAUSE TWO WEEKS AFTER YOU BRING THEM HOME THEY DIE AND THEN YOU CAN SMOKE THEIR LEAVES!  And how we wouldn't want to deprive anyone of that!  Then the 63 year-old and the 75 year-old (this is Dave and Ike, for those of you who want to know..) start debating the best way to roll the cigs.
Yeah, these people are my sheep.  And yes, I do believe they are the True Church.  (And does it really matter if they're kidding?!)


Anonymous said...

Hey Rev! In case you wonder if anyone's listening (whoa, there's no reply at all - Genesis? ;) ) I am now - you were in the Journal article alongside my good and dear friend Tisha Brown, and so now you have one lurker. I can't promise consistent reading, but keep writing! :) Sarah PJ

pestiferous said... here; I'm reading and will react in due time. Keep writing!

Amanda said...

Super! Thanks for the comment- I'm getting some encouragement to keep writing-- now I just have to blog more often! I owe a 'shout-out' to Tisha myself-- It was great to share space w/ her in print!

Anonymous said...

Would you clarify your tag: "Irreverent rev?" Why did you choose that term?
Warning: I may challenge you occasionally...please don't take it personally; I'm just nosy by nature.

Amanda said...

Hmmm.. Irreverent Rev. Why? I guess I feel that clergy are often misunderstood-- perhaps put on pedestals and then they have so far to fall when they demonstrate human failings. I feel that I'm pretty "average" in that sense, but happen to have a "reverend" title, which seems rather oxymoronic.