Monday, June 20, 2011


Sitting there in the banquet hall listening to her tonight, hearing God's word pour out-- it's evident-- God's gifts are incarnate in the Rev. Amy DeLong.  It's Monday evening, June 20, 2011 and about 80 of us are gathered together to be in solidarity with Amy and her partner, Val, who are having their love put on trial in Kakauna, WI.  It's no wonder she sensed a call-- a call that was confirmed by the WI Board of Ordained Ministry, and then consecrated by Bishop Sharon Zimmerman Rader.  Because it's there-- and boy, it's evident.

As a preacher it can be easy to lean back, make critiques, evaluate, and meditate on how you would 'improve' on someone else's speaking skills.  Not so in listening to Amy.  Just sit back and enjoy the ride-- fluency in speech, rhythm, story, theology, inspiration and even irritation.  It's all there.  It feels good like having taken a good run-- there's nothing like gettin' whipped back into (spiritual) shape.

In the next few days it will be argued that Amy doesn't have the grace of God to be called and ordained in the United Methodist Church. No matter the outcome of the trial, that point will never be proven.  In the days ahead- pray for Amy, pray for us-- but mostly, please pray for the United Methodist Church.

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